Saturday, April 9, 2016

Eternal Marriage Preparation

"Marriage is ordained of God. God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan." (The Family: A Proclamation to the World)


Why do we need to begin talking about marriage with our children when they aren't even of the age to date? It's simple. "Young people's views of marriage are associated with their lifestyle choices during young adulthood as well as the later success of the marriage and family lives"(Carroll, Willoughby, Badger, Nelson, Barry, & Madsen, 2007). This means, the views they form early in life, are the views that shape later decisions. We need to begin teaching our children early what the Lord wants so that when the time comes, it will already be established as their foundation.


Marriage was ordained of God from the beginning of time. When Adam was placed on the earth, the Lord said that is was incomplete and that Adam needed a help meet. This was Eve, formed from Adams rib. Only with the presence of Eve did the Lord call the work good.



Of all the things we are to accomplish on this earth, eternal marriage is of utmost importance. All things are based on eternal principles. As children of God, we are to become like Him and that means marriage to an eternal companion. This can only be achieved through the Priesthood Power wielded by those called and set apart by God. These sacred ordinances are performed within the Lord's temples and can only be accessed through personal righteousness.

By establishing righteous principles early in life, such as reading the scriptures, prayer and regular church attendance, a personal relationship is cultivated with a loving Heavenly Father. This relationship enables revelation to be present when times of decisions occur. Although children may be too young to do all of these things on their own, we as parents can establish the routines early in life.

In our family, we have found that the best time for us to have family scripture study is during breakfast. I love starting the day off with the word of God as protection and a reminder to my children as they begin a day outside of our protection. As well as developing their relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, reading the scriptures has been found to increase comprehension and reading skills for all texts.


Not only do we need to be sharing those things that will bring our children closer to Heavenly Father's influence, we also need to demonstrate our own commitment to and love for the principle of marriage by letting them see our devotion to regular temple attendance. As our children see us making regular visits to the temple, they will recognize the importance we place on it. Children are acutely aware of the difference between our words and actions. If we want them to place value on the ordinances of the temple, we need to show that we do as well, by going often.


It is important that we teach our children while they are young.

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

There will come a time when our influence is replaced by that of the world, but the promise is that our children will return to the truth if we have taught them early. Now is the time to visit the temple grounds and explain the importance the temple is in your life. Now is the time to make regular temple attendance part of your routine. Now is the time to work on your own marriage happiness so that your children see an example they will want to emulate.

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